Uniko attacks new Cuban delivery workers: "Anyone who sees inventing, I'm going to turn their guns"

"You have been singing for 100 years and you have always looked at that sound with disgust. Now you like it, now it is ours, now we are all Cubans and delivery drivers, don't make me laugh," were some of his words.

El Uniko contra reguetoneros cubanos © El Uniko / Instagram
Uniko against Cuban reggaeton players Photo © El Uniko / Instagram

The Cuban reggaeton player Luis Alberto Almanza, better known to everyone asThe Uniko, has once again attacked the new exponents of the urban genre.

He has done it through the stories section of his Instagram account with a text that he posted and in which he dedicates strong words to all those colleagues on the island who have chosen to sing cast in recent times.

"Now everyone wants to have a voice, everyone wants to have a vote, but when we had to let go of our skin and put up with very hard pressure, we were the blacks with that side", were the first words that can be read in his writing.

"You have been singing for 100 years and you have always looked at that sound with disgust. Now you like it, now it is ours, now we are all Cubans and delivery drivers, don't make me laugh", he added.

To conclude, El Uniko expressed:"It's not resentment or resentment, but you have to have a good memory, because those who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it. I don't care about controversies, but I have experienced this music and this culture from the first day I started. At the same time entertainment artist, salsero, bachatero and pinguero whoever sees invented, I'm going to turn the cannons".

The Uniko / Instagram

Uniko has been showing its anger on social media for several days, both at the Cuban reggaeton singers who have opted to sing cast as well as at thecontroversy that has arisen on social networks as a result of the development of the distribution in Peru.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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