Díaz-Canel after corruption scandal: There will be no tolerance for lack of ethics

“The greatest historical leaders, Fidel and Raúl, and the leadership of the Party have shown and will continue to show signs of a frontal, transparent and zero-tolerance fight against the manifestations of lack of ethics and exemplarity of the cadres,” he stated.

The exemplary ruler of Cuba,Miguel Diaz-Canel, took advantage of the closing of the congress of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) to make it clear thatUnder his mandate there will be no tolerance for "lack of ethics".

Without referring to the recent news of the investigation opened for “serious errors” into the former deputy prime minister and minister of Economy and Planning,Alejandro Gil Fernandez, also secretary of theCommunist Party of Cuba (PCC) He assured that his government acts “in the name of the people and for the unity of our country.”

“The greatest historical leaders, Fidel and Raúl, and the leadership of the Party have shown and will continue to show signs of a frontal, transparent and no-tolerance combat against the manifestations of lack of ethics and exemplarity of the cadres,” said Díaz-Canel in his speech.

Remembering once again the words of the generalRaul Castro at the event heldin January in Santiago de Cuba, the ruler called on the “cadres” of the so-called revolution “to meditate every day on what more can be done to justify the trust and exemplary support of our compatriots even in the midst of so many needs.”

“I call on all our cadres not to be naive or triumphalist, to avoid bureaucratic responses and any manifestation of routine and insensitivity; to find realistic solutions with what we have, without dreaming that something is going to fall from the sky,” guided the first secretary of the PCC.

The entire senior staff of the Cuban regime was present at the event, from former ruler Raúl Castro, who, according to the regime's propaganda, remains “with one foot in the stirrup”, even the prime ministerManuel Marrero Cruz, going byJosé Ramón Machado Ventura, Esteban Lazo Hernandez or the former spyGerard Hernandez Nordelo.

Before them, the delegates and all the Cubans who saw the closing of the political event of the regime's mass organization, Díaz-Canel was firm in his message of zero tolerance for the “lack of ethics,”as if the rejection of dishonest behavior by its leaders was not part of what is normal and expected from any government.

“To guarantee the measures of greatest social justice possible in the current complex economic environment, to correct the distortions in the implementation of economic measures and to cleanly and decisively confront the negative trends and the growing phenomena of corruption and illegality that the historical enemy of the revolution fuels with the hope that a social outbreak will be unleashed, we count on the will, dignity and courage of Cuban women to continue saving the Homeland, the Revolution and Socialism with the invincible force of the love of the Cuban woman," Díaz-Canel harangued in a speech read for almost half an hour.

After just a month ofthe dismissal of Gil Fernández, sprinkled withaffectionate messages In social networks between the defenestrated man and Díaz-Canel, the Cuban regime reported the opening of an investigative file against the former minister for "serious errors."

Through a statement signed by Díaz-Canel, responsible "in surveillance" of the cleanliness and honesty of his cabinet, andtutor for more inri of Gil Fernández's doctoral thesis, the Cuban regime approved that the Ministry of the Interior initiate "the corresponding actions for the complete clarification of the allegedly corrupt conduct" of the former minister.

According to sources close to Gil Fernández's family, he could be in police custody.detained waiting for the Prosecutor's Office to investigate his case. Treated by propaganda as an isolated case of corruption, with which there will be a heavy hand, Cuban civil society is suspicious of official information and considers that the defenestration is part of a "damage control" maneuver by a regime that is reeling from much that I intendprop up terror among its "cadres" by making them sign threatening "codes of ethics".

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