"Don't put it on anymore!": Cubans react indignantly to new announcements of blackouts from the Electrical Union

While the country suffers the worst streak of blackouts since the beginning of the year, with electricity cuts that in the provinces reach up to 16 hours a day or more (much longer than in the capital), the authorities of the Cuban regime are beginning to notice the social unrest that precedes to an explosion.

Cae la tarde en Santiago de Cuba © Facebook / Naturaleza Secreta
Afternoon falls in Santiago de Cuba Photo © Facebook / Secret Nature

Theenergy crisis is pushing the patience of Cubans to the limit, many of whom showed their indignation this Sunday in the comments to the “information note” published insocial networks the Electrical Union of Cuba (A).

While the country suffers the worst streak of blackouts since the beginning of the year, with electricity cuts that in the provinces reach up to 16 hours a day or more (much longer than in the capital), the authorities of the Cuban regime are beginning to notice the social unrest that precedes an outbreak.

Despite this, the disastrous situation of the national electro-energy system is of such magnitude that it is impossible for the government ofMiguel Diaz-Canel satisfy the energy demand of the Cuban economy and population.


For this Sunday, the UNE "estimates for peak hour an availability of 2,055 MW and a maximum demand of 3,100 MW, for a deficit of 1,045 MW, so if the expected conditions continue, an impact of 1,115 MW is forecast during this time." ”.

The day before, thestate company predicted similar effects. However, the reality was very different when it was confirmed this Sunday that “The maximum impact on the day was 1,483 MW”.

“Don't give any more explanations, don't put it any more”commented a user who, like millions of Cubans, is beginning to consider the informative “transparency” of the company she runs as a mockery.Alfredo Lopez Valdes.

"Exact. Not worth it"; “We are tired of so much talk, for how long?”; “We continue to suffer without sleeping, eating or bathing. What they have with the provinces is abusive: up to 10 hours without electricity,” said other Internet users.

“Solutions not explanations. Villa Clara at the forefront. Turned off so that Havana residents have light, and here the parties on the 19th with so much blackout will not be able to end. Tradition of more than 100 years and world heritage to the toilet. Where are they and what do those who have to serve this country do, apart from having light and having a belly?” asked a countrywoman of Díaz-Canel.

“Those are living the lives of capitalists. We are the ones who are worthless. Today people are hungry and also unable to rest. This country is already adrift,” another user replied.

“With all due respect: we have to find a strategy because this is unbearable. Yesterday we were from 6 pm to 3 am without power in Holguín. Look for other methods of affectation because this is unfair,” said a woman from Holguín.

“I think they should change the information note. In short, the mathematical account does not matter. What we need is to explain when we are going to get out of this situation, when we are going to buy fuel. This situation is unbearable. Enough of the same cliché every day,” said another Cuban of the many who consider the Cuban regime's blackout policy unbearable.

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