Cuban lives in his car while helping and saving to take his family to the US

“We live in cars because we help our family and everyone we can. We do it from the heart. Things are also bad in the United States, as everywhere. So be grateful,” he said.

Andcuban emigrant He showed how he manages to live in his car in order to save money and help his family on the Island, in addition to preparing the conditions for the arrival of his wife and daughter.

Andvideo shared by the comedianLimay Blanco showed the conditions in which a Cuban emigrant lives in the United States, homeless and with all his belongings in a car, where he sleeps and even cooks his food.

While preparing soup in a rice cooker, the Cuban explained to Limay that he preferred to live in such conditions in order to help his family, whether by sending “a little money,” or saving to settle properly once he reunites with his wife and family. daughter.

"I'm saving. I don't have family here in the United States. “My wife and my little girl are coming, thank God,” the man said as he showed how he managed to cook using an electrical converter to connect the pot (which runs on 110V) to the 12V car battery.

According to his words, there are many people who live in conditions similar to his. “We live in cars because we help our family and everyone we can. We do it from the heart. Things are also bad in the United States, as everywhere. So be grateful.”

Sending encouragement to the comedian, who recentlyconfessed that he was about to close his aid project for Cubans, the emigrant asked him not to give up and continue carrying out his "Christ Changes Lives" Ministry.

Last Friday, after receiving a new attack against him inside Cuba, the comedian said that he had asked the authorities to legalize his aid project for Cubans, thanks to which many people in need have received donations, from homes to household goods and meal.

“Pray for the Christ Changes Lives ministry, because they are continually attacking us. It seems that helping is no longer seen well,” said the artist, who confessed that his dream was “to be a pastor of a church to teach that there is more blessing in giving than in receiving.”

The Cuban emigrant, apparently a pastor of a religious congregation, told Limay that he also considered him a pastor and that he shared his hard experience in the United States with him so that he would not feel alone in his mission. “Do you see why you can't give up?” he said.

“Look Limay, I'm going to send you this video so that the people who criticize you see that there are many of us who anonymously send money so that they can solve their problems, and be grateful that we send it to them with great joy. We are an army of people who sacrifice themselves and who are with you despite everything,” said the emigrant.

“And to those who point you out, don't pay attention to them, brother, don't pay attention to them. Put them in the hand of God and that's it,” he concluded.

On previous occasions Blanco has announced the possible end of his project. In 2022, he suffered a complaint from the mother ofthe Cuban girl who traveled to Italy to be treated for eye cancer that they could not assist him in Cuba. The accusation made the comedian nervous, butthe support of the people encouraged him to continue with his ministry “Christ changes lives”.

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