Video confusion of a crowd on Vía Blanca... behind a pickpocket

They deny that "something is happening" in the area and attribute a crowd of people, recorded on video, to the arrest of a thief

It's not what it seems. A video recorded on Vía Blanca by the driver of a vehicle has set off all the alarms, believing that it was a revolt like those that took place on March 17 in Santiago de Cuba, Granma and Matanzas. But the crowd was not there to ask for freedom but to witness the arrest of a pickpocket. Soconfirmed it on Facebook Lara Croft and this version has been approved by the author of thevideo.

The confusion began when shortly before three in the afternoon this Tuesday, García published a video in which a molotera was seen and asked the rest of the users of that social network if anyone had knowledge of what was happening.

"Video today, from Havana, on Vía Blanca, in search of more information. Whoever has details, leave it in the comments," he wrote and later updated the information, pointing out: "It was that they caught a thief, that is, another communist ", wrote.

But by that time the comments had already gotten out of control. "Let's go Cubans, until the end of that murderous dictatorship" and "it is also very important in the center because we know that perhaps it is the end. That is why they do not turn off the current," wrote another Facebook user.

By then Lara Croft had already responded, warning that 'fake news' does not help. "Nothing is happening on Vía Blanca," he wrote and then clarified that "the video that is circulating is of a pickpocket that neighbors caught on Vía Blanca."

"Be aware of the importance of Havana. We are the capital and most strategic point of the country. They know the price of an angry Havana and are preparing themselves. The prison does not need more prisoners, but Cuba does need all free Cubans united if the time comes. Let's be responsible for every video and information we upload to our networks," he added.

The protests that took place on Sunday, March 17 in Santiago (Veguita de Galo district) and spread to Bayamo and Cárdenas They have restored hope to many Cubans who saw how July 11 ended in a wave of repression that still keeps protesters in prison without the regime having fallen.Despite the dismissal for corruption of the Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil,Miguel Díaz-Canel remains at the head of a failed State, in which they can no longer even guarantee medical care or essential public services such as electricity and water, andin which an attempt is made to appease the protests by promising four pounds of rice and three of sugar.

In the last two years, Cuba has registered the largest wave of migration in its entire history. Those who have remained took to the streetsto protest asking for "current and food", but also shouting 'Patria y vida', get it on July 11, 2021.

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