Director of La Colmenita dedicates book to Díaz-Canel: “President also of our honeyed hearts”

The ruler took time out of his busy schedule of “moving cadres” and “correcting distortions” to attend with his wife the presentation of the book 'La Colmenita ¡Mi vida!', by Carlos Alberto Cremata Malberti.

Lis Cuesta, Carlos Alberto Cremata y Díaz-Canel © X / @liscuestacuba
Lis Cuesta, Carlos Alberto Cremata and Díaz-Canel Photo © X / @liscuestacuba

The director of the Children's Theater CompanyThe Colmenita of Cuba he dedicated his book to the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel, naming him “president of our honeyed hearts.”

The dedication comes to light in the hands of the “non-first lady”,Lis Cuesta Peraza, who used his social networks to thankCarlos Alberto Cremata Malberti her fidelity to the political project of the regime that, under the name of “continuity,” her husband leads.

“When we talk about #GenteQueSuma from the love of children, no one competes with Tin and his Colmenita,” Cuesta Peraza celebrated in X, sharing some photographs in which you can see Cremata Malberti's dedication to Díaz-Canel.

The ruler took time out of his busy schedule of “moving cadres” and “correcting distortions” to attend, together with his wife and an official from the Ministry of Culture, the presentation of the book 'La Colmenita ¡Mi vida!', by Cremata Malberti .

Dedication from Carlos Alberto Cremata Malberti to Miguel Díaz-Canel. X / @liscuestacuba

According toCubadebate, the volume proposes a journey of 34 years of history of children's company, and comes from a publisher with which the official agency collaboratesLatin Press.

“For my brother Migue, President too… of our sweet hearts”, the director dedicated in his own handwriting to the person in charge of “adding people”, “reboosting the economy” and “Cuba moving forward”, among other slogans with whichthe propaganda apparatus of the regime covers the null action of Díaz-Canel's government.

La Colmenita, a company at the service of Castro propaganda as an “artistic” tool to promote the ideology and political causes of the regime, is directed by Cremata Malberti, who was a deputy in the VII Legislature of theNational Assembly of People's Power of Cuba (2008-2013).

In January 2017, for example, the children of the La Colmenita company participated in theMilitary Parade organized by the regime to celebrate the 58 years of the so-called “revolution”, in a celebration that was postponed due to the death ofFidel Castro.

The children's company also participated in the posthumous tributes organized after Castro's death. Previously they had been in charge of representinga theatrical performance for the dictator's 90th birthday.

Cremata Malberti's company has been in the spotlight lately with the actress' visits to CubaAna de Armas, who travels from Hollywood to Havana to visit her family and her best friend (best friend forever, BFF), actressClaudia Muma Alvariño, current deputy director of La Colmenita.

A photo of the actress with Cremata Malberti was published in April 2023 on La Colmenita's Instagram stories. “Great pleasure to have you with us Ana de Armas", it was read next to the snapshot in which both appeared hugging and smiling.

In recent days, at the beginning of February, the actress returned to Cuba, whereHe was seen “enjoying” with friends in a popular nightclub in Havana, accompanied by Alvariño.

Díaz-Canel and Lis Cuesta, who – like the regime – also “enjoy” these visits by the Hollywood star, were in the front row of the tribute to Cremata Malberti, considered by them as a “people who adds” to heavyweights for the totalitarian propaganda of the Cuban Communist Party.

“The girl is not engaged…The virtue of seeing and being hurt by the fate of your neighbor is not for everyone"said the Cuban boxerYordenis Ugás in recent statements referring to the actress Ana de Armas, friend of “Tin” Cremata, admirer of La Colmenita and frequent visitor to recreational spaces of the elite that runs “La Isla Jail.”

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