Three Cubans arrested for robbing elderly people outside supermarkets in Italy

The Cubans, whose identity has not been revealed by the authorities, robbed elderly people in the parking lots of shopping centers in several Italian cities.

Policía Estatal de Italia (imagen de referencia) © PRP Channel
Italian State Police (reference image) Photo © PRP Channel

Three men of Cuban origin were arrested in Italy accused of committing a series ofrobberies in supermarket parking lots in several cities, mainly to the elderly.

After carrying out a robbery against an elderly woman in the city of Passo Corese, the suspects moved to the town of Anguillara, in the province of Rome, where they were intercepted and detained by the State Police in the parking lot of a supermarket, according tolocal media.

The identity of the three Cubans has not been revealed by the Italian authorities.

For some time, agents from the Romanina Police Station, in the Italian capital, had been on the trail of several individuals of Latin American origin who operated in their area, committingrobberies in shopping center parking lots, especially to elderly people.

For the past few days, investigators kept a building in Torre Spaccata under surveillance and followed the three suspects as they left the scene in a rented German sedan.

The vehicle made a first stop at a police station, where one of the Cubans entered to comply with the order to appear for a previous criminal process. Later, they left Rome and moved to Passo Corese, where they stopped in the parking lot of a supermarket.

While the driver remained in the car, one of the suspects distracted an elderly woman by throwing coins on the ground and the other grabbed the victim's purse.

The police tried to prevent the three men from escaping, but the driver did not stop when they gave him the order to stop, so one of the officers was forced to jump to the side of the road to avoid being run over. Minutes later, the thieves threw the newly stolen purse out of the car window.

Believing they had outwitted the police, the individuals headed to Lake Bracciano and stopped outside a commercial establishment in Anguillara.

The agents immediately proceeded to arrest the Cubans, who tried to flee on foot andThey confronted the uniformed officers with kicks and punches.

The three ended up arrested assuspected of complicity in the crimes of improper theft and resistance to a law enforcement agent. The vehicle was returned to the rental agency.

An investigating judge validated the request for the arrests presented by the Prosecutor's Office.

In recent months, several cases ofCubans involved in multiple crimes in Italy.

In February, a Cuban woman identified asLindys Pérez Felip was arrested in the Lombardy region accused of drugging and robbing two men with whom he had made appointments through a website.

The police arresteda 23-year-old Cuban who tried to steal the purse of a 79-year-old woman in Milan, last November.

During those same days,A Cuban was one of the 26 detained in Genoa, during a police operation that dismantled amafia organization dedicated to drug trafficking.

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