Almost 21 thousand Cubans arrived in the US through borders in February 2024

CBP One appointments accounted for 86% of migrants processed at the borders.

Migrantes en la frontera © Bill Melugin / Twitter
Migrants at the border Photo © Bill Melugin / Twitter

Almost 21,000 Cuban migrants arrived in the United States in February 2024, a figure slightly lower than that of January but which shows the magnitude of the migration crisis on the island.

Latest report of the Border Patrol indicates that 20,815 Cubans arrived at the US borders in the second month of the year, while in January the figure was 22,946.

Of them, 6,559 arrived by sea, despite the tightening of credible fear interviews for rafters, the majority of whom are being repatriated to Cuba.

The agents processed more than 42,100 individuals of different nationalities through appointments through the CBP One application at ports of entry using advanced information.

These appointments represented 86% of migrants processed at the borders, especially from Haiti, Mexico and Venezuela.

CBP Publication

Likewise, CBP reported that since January 5, 2023, more than 81 thousand Cubans have been able to travel to the United States in a safe, orderly and legal manner thanks to the parole humanitarian of the Joe Biden Administration.

As of the end of February 2024, more than 386,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela arrived legally.

Specifically, 81,000 Cubans, 156,000 Haitians, 71,000 Nicaraguans and 97,000 Venezuelans were examined and authorized to travel.

Of them, 79,000 Cubans, 151,000 Haitians, 64,000 Nicaraguans and 91,000 Venezuelans arrived legally and were granted entry into the country.

The Cuban migration crisis continues unstoppable amid a deterioration in living conditions on the Caribbean island.

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