Impact of a truck against a pharmacy in Sancti Spíritus sparks various speculations about the accident

The truck damaged one of the walls of the pharmacy.

Accidente en Jíquima, Sancti Spíritus © Facebook/Williams Martínez
Accidente en Jíquima, Sancti Spíritus Photo © Facebook/Williams Martínez

The impact of a truck against a pharmacy this Sunday, allegedly after failing to climb a slope in the town of Jíquima, in the province of Sancti Spíritus, has sparked speculation about the causes of the event.

User Williams Martínez said in the Facebook group “BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!”, that the truck could not climb a slope located on the Highway to Yaguajay, specifically in the town of Jíquima and as a result it hit the pharmacy.

He also added that no injuries were reported due to the accident.

Facebook Capture/Williams Martínez

In the images shared, it is observed how one of the pharmacy structures collapsed due to the impact and was left on top of the truck, which was being helped by a crane.

Facebook Capture/Williams Martínez

Its publication prompted comments from Internet users, who tried to explain what happened with various theories.

I'm surprised that truck couldn't climb that hill."That was when he went to reduce in the middle of the hill that he couldn't and the truck went backwards," said one of the members of the group, apparently familiar with the area where the accident occurred.

Another person assured that “that hill is small, I don't leverage it from below”.

A user confessed that he has passed through that area several times “and That International has plenty of power to crown that hill"I don't know what happened there, or why the driver didn't call the emergency, thank goodness there were no victims, it ended up destroying the pharmacy."

Despite the incident, and with the idea that there were no injured people, some Internet users had time to expose a social problem with the fact that there were no people in the pharmacy.

“Thank goodness medicines no longer enter the pharmacy, it was probably closed,” said one user.

This Saturday, The driver of a public transport truck was injured after the vehicle fell from a bridge at kilometer 64 of the National Highway, according to reports on social networks.

At the end of February, A truck fell off a bridge in the province of Villa Clara. The accident occurred near the Jicotea town, in the Ranchuelo municipality.

In the images shared, the vehicle can be seen overturned down the ravine right in the bridge section.

Despite the spectacular images, it was clear that the two occupants of the vehicle emerged almost unharmed.

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