Silvio Rodríguez: "I understand the young people who leave Cuba"

In Silvio Rodríguez's opinion, "Cuba's highest achievements are working with many difficulties."

Silvio Rodríguez © Granma (imagen de archivo)
Silvio Rodriguez Photo © Granma (archive image)

The Cuban troubadourSilvio Rodriguez He assured that he understands the young people who leave Cuba in the current crisis that the country is going through.

In statements to journalist Ismael Monzón, toThe Spanish, Rodríguez responded to his opinion about the exodus in Cuba since the massive protests of 11J.

"I understand the young people who leave. There is only one life and the situation in Cuba is quite difficult. "We have had a change of generations under the pressure of a fence," said the singer-songwriter.

At the discretion ofSilvio Rodriguez, "Cuba's highest achievements, such as schools, continue to function with many difficulties; hospitals also work, although with fewer personnel, resources and medicines."

In this context, the musician and deputy of the National Assembly seems to find logic in abandoning the country, in the migratory crisis suffered by the people of Cuba.

"This is the situation we are experiencing after the pandemic recession, now aggravated by two wars. We cannot forget that very unfair imperial sanctions weigh on Cuba," said Rodríguez, aligning himself with the regime's usual discourse that blames the problems in the country. , to the economic embargo of the United States.

In this interview, Rodríguez assured that he maintains a daily dialogue with the memory ofPablo Milanés and that he never had confrontations with the author of "Yolanda", for reasons of ideology.

"Pablo and I never had an ideological confrontation. Sometimes we had different opinions about something," Rodríguez said.

Themigration crisis in Cuba It is acute and is due to political, economic and social reasons. The most recent report of theBorder Patrol in the United States points out that 20,815 Cubans arrived in the country in February, irregularly, while in January the figure was 22,946.

Heyouth exodus It leaves Cuba in an extremely delicate situation for the future. It is the oldest country in the Caribbean region and in a short time it could becomewithout labor force to move forward its impoverished economy after more than 60 years of socialism.

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