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Cuban tries Iberian Ham: "It doesn't look like the one here"

Anita Mateu brought Iberian Ham to Cuba to share the flavors of Spain with her family.

The Cuban youtuberAnita Matthew He shared with his followers the reaction his sister had when she tried Iberian Ham for the first time in Cuba.

Anita traveled to the island on vacation and brought her family some typical foods from her current country of residence, so that her loved ones could try theflavors of Spain.

The YouTuber confessed that she bought the ham at the airport, so she could bring it to the island. He gave it to his sister and niece to try.

"Do I eat a lot or a little, that is, do I take a piece that big? Should I put all this in my mouth?" asked the inexperienced young woman and raised a flake ofIberian Ham. Finally she shared a piece with her little daughter and they both savored thespanish product.

"Umm it's delicious. It's super delicious. It doesn't taste like Cuban ham, it doesn't look like it. It's like meat, but with a touch like that...It's delicious"Said the youtuber's sister.

Theyoutuber Anita Mateu, is known on social networks in Cuba and Spain for documenting her life as a Cuban in Galicia. A few weeks ago he traveled to vacation with his family in Sancti Spíritus after more than a year living in the Iberian country.

Anita experienced a "blow of reality" upon returning to her homeland because she noticed that the country, far from advancing, seems to have sunk further into decadence.

"It's a bittersweet feeling," said the YouTuber regarding her trip. He confessed that he was very happy to be with his family, but sad to see how deteriorated Cuba is and the high prices of everything, particularly the difficulties in accessing food.

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