Paradoxes of "continuity": Díaz-Canel converts a university farm created by Fidel Castro into a Mipyme

“The farm has all the conditions to become another form of management. We are proposing that, with all the productive and scientific potential it has, it become an MSME,” said the Cuban president in El Guayabal.

The so-called “continuity” led by the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel added a new paradox to his political project, by converting a university farm created by the dictator Fidel Castro in a new small and medium private company (MSME).

Located on the National Highway, a few steps from the "Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez" Agrarian University of Havana, and with a territorial area of 665.7 hectares (ha). “El Guayabal exists to promote the application of the results obtained in all areas. fields of science related to food sovereignty”, according to the educational center itself.

Díaz-Canel traveled there this Friday as part of his tour of the “productive entities” of the Mayabeque province and the country, carrying his message that the way out of the crisis depends on the effort and commitment of the workers, not on his government management.

We can go to a different time on the farm. Because the farm has all the conditions to become another form of management. We are proposing that, with all the productive and scientific potential it has, it becomes a Mipyme"said the also first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).

What Díaz-Canel did not explain is Who or who will be the investors and new owners of the property? of almost seven square kilometers, to whom they are proposing that El Guayabal become a private enterprise, and Through what public bidding mechanism was it proposed? the transformation of state property to a particular form.

The change, according to Díaz-Canel “will allow scientific development programs to continue to be promoted, the productive programs associated with this scientific development, but also so that, through management and autonomy, workers can earn more.” .

“Today they are earning 2,000 pesos when there is a tremendous application of science and innovation. Therefore, all of this can transform more,” said the president, citing the average salary of El Guayabal workers: about $5.88 per month.

According to the governor, by converting the state farm into a MSME, “we can even promote the fundamental principles with which Fidel conceived the farm at a different time and also at a time of more development (sic).”

Created by Castro in 1972, the El Guayabal university farm “changes its structures and management models in the search for greater efficiency and profits,” according to the language used by the reportage of official television.

Screenshot Facebook / UNAH

The propaganda machinery of “continuity” considered it a good idea to announce this change in “structure and management model” just when the 52nd anniversary of Castro's speech at the graduation of veterinary doctors and agronomists held in said setting on April 5, 1972.

In it speech On May 1 of that year, Castro assured that, thanks to the revolution and socialism, “everyone, practically all citizens of this country of working age, have job opportunities; that absolutely all workers in our country are included in social security; that all workers in our country are included in the benefits of work accidents, the benefits of protection against accidents, the benefits of protection for maternity, old age.”

The El Guayabal university farm that the dictator founded at Km 21 and a half of the National Highway, in San José de las Lajas, will no longer be property of that “welfare state” that Castro designed and his allies, especially Moscow, paid for.

More than half a century later and still suffering from the inability to produce food, exacerbated by the current crisis, Díaz-Canel undertakes the privatization of El Guayabal and justifies it as a more effective way to achieve the vaunted “Food sovereignty”, and for its workers to earn a few more pesos by bending their backs before the new “managers”.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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