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One seriously injured after the collision between a motorcycle and a car in Havana

The incident occurred in Loma del Calvario.

Motocicleta siniestrada (i) y Auto involucrado en el siniestro (d) © Captura de Facebook/Radimir Galán
Damaged motorcycle (i) and car involved in the accident (d) Photo © Facebook Capture/Radimir Galán

The collision between a motorcycle and a car in Loma del Calvario, in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality, in Havana, left the motorcyclist seriously injured, according to a report on social networks this Tuesday.

Internet user Radimir Galán first shared a couple of photos from the scene of the accident but said he had no more information.

Facebook Capture/Radimir Galán

However, a while later he stated that the driver of the motorbike was hospitalized."with serious injuries in the hospital."

Facebook Capture/Radimir Galán

In relation to the alleged cause of the accident, he indicated that"Apparently the car invaded the opposite path in the direction of Calvary."

Facebook Capture/Radimir Galán

In the comments section of one of the publications, a commenter who said she was a neighbor of the injured man stated that the injured man - whose identity or other details have not been revealed -He was in the process of stabilizing his vital signs with a view to "having surgery."

As of this writing, there are no other details about the case.

Road accidents of all kinds have not let up on Cuban roads since the beginning of the year, following the same trend that already marked 2023.

Last year 729 people lost their lives in Cuba as a result of traffic accidents. The authorities counted 8,556 road accidents that left 5,938 injured. The human factor was responsible for 91% of these events, the authorities said.

In one of the most recent accidents, the driver of a bus died after crashing the vehicle into a house in La Coloma, in the province of Pinar del Río.

Last week the death of aelderly man in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, after being run over by a tourist rental car that was allegedly coming at high speed. In that case, a publication in the Bus & Truck Accidents Facebook group stated that the elderly man was cleaning the street at the time he was hit by the vehicle.

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