Samadhi Zendejas shows William Levy driving through Miami and Elizabeth Gutiérrez sends a hint: "This way I know more"

The protagonists of Come back to me unleashed rumors of romance while Elizabeth Gutiérrez did not remain silent on her social networks.

Samadhi Zendejas and William Levy They couldn't be happier with the reception of viewers to the soap opera in which they star. Back to me. Although the production came to an end for American viewers who were able to enjoy their love story thanks to Telemundo, it has just arrived in Latin America, triggering endless messages from viewers for the protagonists of the series.

On the occasion of all these comments that are reaching the Mexican actress and the Cuban actor, she shared a funny video of a moment of complicity with his colleague, unleashing rumors of romance and yes, it seems that there was also some reaction from Elizabeth Gutiérrez...

"Thank you for your messages to those who are already watching the series in its premiere week on the platform," the actress wrote about a video in which she appears. the soap opera heartthrob driving through Miami while happily singing the song "Gozar la vida" by Julio Iglesias. "Who do you think has a better playlist? William Levy or me?" Samadhi added.

These images of complicity between the two actors have unleashed rumors of romance between them. But some messages that Elizabeth Gutiérrez published hours later on Instagram stories did not go unnoticed either. Some comments that many interpreted as a reaction to the video of William Levy inside the car...

"Keep milking it. That way I know more. Thank you for showing me what I hadn't seen. I don't know if it suits you. You keep going," he said in one of the messages. "If anyone can have it, I don't want it," he wrote in another.

Although Elizabeth did not clarify if she was referring to the video with her words, but for many it is a clear response to the images...

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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