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Cuban fulfills her mother's dream and welcomes her to the United States in tears: "The happiest moment of my life"

Emotional reunion of a Cuban woman and her mother in the United States after two years is moving TikTok.

A Cuban in Miami fulfilled her mother's dream by giving an emotional welcome to her mother in the United States, where he received her with flowers, a Cuban flag, balloons and a stuffed animal. A beautiful reception that he shared on his TikTok profile, where it quickly went viral.

The user who published this beautiful video was @liafranco97, who revealed that in this way she has fulfilled her mother's dream.

"After 2 years I had the reunion that my heart had been asking for so much. The happiest moment of my life.Welcome to USA mommy. Today I feel proud because I was finally able to fulfill your lifelong dream. Thank you my God, there is no time more perfect than yours.", wrote in the description of this post.

These scenes are common among Cuban citizens scattered around the world and usually generate an emotional response on social networks.

"Beautiful reunion", "While I wait for my moment, I continue to rejoice from the depths of my heart for the reunions of others","Crying for strangers is my passion, congratulations on the dream of all of us who are outside" or "I cried like a fool hehe, blessings for that family, finally together, waiting for you to approve me to bring my granddaughter blessings," are some of the comments they left for this beautiful family.

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Filed in:

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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