Lawyer explains what can happen, in legal terms, after the breakup of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez

The possibility of support for Elizabeth, the separation of assets and custody of the children are some of the most important legal issues.

William Levy y Elizabeth Gutiérrez © Instagram / Elizabeth Gutiérrez
William Levy and Elizabeth Gutierrez Photo © Instagram / Elizabeth Gutiérrez

The separation between William Levy and Elizabeth GutiérrezIt is still a hot topic and many wonder what will happen in legal terms with both artists, their children and the assets they acquired during almost 20 years of relationship.

The program “El Gordo y la Flaca” spoke witha family lawyer who explained what legal matters could proceed after the breakup of the couple.

The first point to mention is thatWilliam and Elizabeth apparently are not legally married, so according to the laws of the State of Florida the actor “will not have a legal obligation to provide support to Elizabeth,” explained the lawyer.

In the case of the home in which both lived,both appear as owners which would imply that they own 50% of the house, “unless they have some type of arrangement or one contributed in a way that is not equal to the other that they can make a claim.”

The most important thing is, however,What will happen to the children that the couple have together, Christopher and Kailey.

According to the lawyer, if the children want to live separately or spend most of their time with one of their parents, thenThe Court must calculate the support that one parent must give to the othertaking into account the income of both and the time they spend with their children.

Due to the ages of both of them, Christofer 18 years old and Kailey 14,It is assumed that both are mature enough to decide who they want to live with..

The separation, apparently final, of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez has been immersed in one scandal after another. RecentlyImages of a domestic altercation came to light between the couple to whom the police had to go.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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