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Tragedy in Mayabeque: Fatal accident between bus and truck leaves two dead and several injured

In addition to the deceased, four had major injuries and another had minor injuries.

Accidente en Mayabeque © Facebook/María Amalia Pérez Suárez
Accident in Mayabeque Photo © Facebook/María Amalia Pérez Suárez

An accident between a Transtur Company bus and a ZIL-130 truck in the municipality of Madruga, in the province of Mayabeque, left two people dead, four people with major injuries and others with minor injuries.

According to the official newspaper of the province of Mayabeque, the accident occurred in the morning hours of this Monday.

Capture of Facebook/Diario Mayabeque

Workers from the Ernesto Guevara thermoelectric plant, from Santa Cruz del Norte, were traveling on the bus, said the official journalist.Radio Mayabeque María Amalia Pérez Suárez through her Facebook profile.

For its part, the truck belonged to the Madruga loading base, in the province itself.

Facebook capture/Maria Amalia Perez Suarez

“The event took place near the Aguacate cemetery and those affected were treated, first, at the Dionisio Sáenz polyclinic in that town, and later at the Leopoldito Martínez provincial hospital,” added the communicator who shared images of the incident.

Facebook Capture/Reyes Jiménez


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