They use marabou bush to warn about a hole in the National Highway of Cuba

Cuba's roads show visible signs of deterioration, with potholes, dangerous holes, lack of signage and extremely dark areas.

The user ofTikTok Abel Cosío denounced the existence of a dangerous gap in theCuban National Highway which has been marked with amarabou bush.

"This is on the National Highway, in theby train from Santa Clara to Sancti Spíritus. In the middle of the road there is amarabou bush put in a hole. What do you think about this?" said Abel.

His comment has generated numerous reactions. One person pointed out to him that he should be grateful that another driver marked such a gap in the road, because he might not be making history.

"Someone put it in to prevent others from taking that hole. Thank the person who came up with that idea," the user explained.

There were also those who took up the dangerous matter ofmarabou bush marking a gap in the highway lightly: "That's for the tourists, so they can see something different in Cuba."

Cuba's roads are under the control and supervision of the State. They show visible signs of deterioration. They are characterized by having dangerous potholes, holes, lack of signage and extremely dark areas, and no access to telephone to call for help.

Despite this, the authorities of theNational Revolutionary Police (PNR) They attribute 91% of the traffic accidents that occurred in the country in 2023 to the human factor.

What do you think?


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