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Cuban teenager ventures into narrating baseball games through his own Facebook page

The Cuban journalist Yasel Porto wrote an extensive publication where he gives various advice to the teenager from Cienfuegos.

Fabián Morales Suárez is a 15-year-old Cuban teenager who dabbles in sports storytelling, especially in baseball, as long as hisElephants Cienfuegos players play at their headquarters, the 5 de Septiembre stadium.

In his photos that he shares on Facebook, the teenager looks happy, and above all, we see a boy who enjoys what he does, storytelling, a practice that he has apparently been experimenting with since 2020, although his page on the social network itself, named “Swing al Aire”, has a creation date of May 11, 2023.

In it he shares photos, interviews and narrations of the games in which the team he is a fan participates in. He does it with a friend named William and with his own resources.

This Sunday, April 28, Fabián narrated aindiscipline that happened on the field of play on September 5, when an apparent referee error unleashed violence between the members of the Cienfuegos and Camagüey teams.

“The boy became famous yesterday, unfortunately not for the better, since his story generated countless negative comments and ridicule, above all. Especially that final play and the way he described the entire Cienfuegos protest. Along with his own claim,” the sports journalist wrote about him.Yasel Porto in a long post onFacebook in which he invites you to learn from your mistakes and never lose the desire to continue growing professionally.

The narration was not good. We agree. It was very far from that.. I am not going to go into adjectives because the post is not to evaluate his speech,” Porto assured.

However, his advice is “thatFalls are part of the journey, especially when it is the beginning of the journey.. If you are so passionate about sports and this job is born to you, don't stop trying. Maybe his talent is not enough to succeed. But only fate will tell that.”

The also host of programs during his time on the channelTele Rebelde, he told Fabián about his beginnings.

“When I listen to my stories or interventions from 25 years ago today, I would like to do like the ostrich. And although less so, the same thing will happen to me in 25 years when I see what I wrote or said today on social media, or my current job in the Minor Leagues. It is part of the evolution process,” said the communicator.

Likewise, he asks the adolescent to “Don't stop fighting for your dream as long as you don't affect anyone. You have to learn from your mistakes and not give too much importance to criticism and ridicule.. No matter how hard they are. Although in this case they adjust to what happened yesterday, remember that you are 15 years old and now is the time to screw up.”

He also had words for those who today make fun of the story made by the teenager. “And to those who wrote. They are within their rights and they are not fortune tellers about what was behind that. ButRemember that we are talking about a “chama” who is doing what no one else is doing. With their megas, without winning a half, and to a team that is the last place in the National Series. When other contemporaries like him are involved in other things, some of them far from good social values.”

Through the letter, Porto expressed his support and help for Fabián, for when he needs it, and asked those who run the sport in Cienfuegos not to retaliate against the teenager.

Not only through him did everyone see what happened. But even if it had been like that, do not take away the right to continue fighting for the dream that one day I and others had and luckily we fulfilled.”he added.

Porto's publication generated acceptance among his followers, some apologizing because they attacked the teenager, without knowing who gave him voice and with the effort he makes to narrate the Cienfuegos performance in the National Baseball Series.

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