Diplomatic conflict: Minister of Transport of Spain calls Milei a “bad person” and suggests that he uses drugs

In response, the Argentine president harshly attacked the Government of Pedro Sánchez, reminding him of his pacts with separatist forces and the pending issues with his wife's justice system.

The Minister of Transport of Spain, Oscar Puente, generated a diplomatic conflict by calling the Argentine president a “bad person,” Javier Miley, and suggest that some of his statements were made under the influence of “substances.”

"Do you remember when it came out in I don't know what state prior to the ingestion or after the ingestion of I don't know what substances..." said Puente during an event of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) held on Friday in Castilla y León.

Immediately, his words unleashed a barrage of national and international criticism. In response, the Argentine president harshly attacked the Government of Pedro Sanchez, to whom he reminded the pending issues with his wife's justice, Begoña Gomez.

The matter arises just when the Argentine president is preparing to attend a Vox event in Madrid, where he will meet with the leader of the Spanish far-right, Santiago Abascal.

Minister Puente's words provoked a rapid response from Buenos Aires. The Argentine President's Office issued a statement condemning the "slander and insults" leveled at Milei.

The text, published in X, not only criticized Puente's statements, but also addressed directly Pedro Sanchez, accusing him of "having endangered the unity of the kingdom", and mentioning the corruption problems that affect the Sánchez Government and its pacts with pro-independence groups.

The Spanish Government rejected the statement, calling it unfounded and harmful to bilateral relations. According to the newspaper 20minutos, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a note in which it assured that the terms of the statement "do not correspond to the relations of brother countries and peoples."

This clash of accusations occurs a few days before Milei visits Spain to participate in a Vox event scheduled for May 18 and 19 in Madrid.

During his visit, Milei will not meet with any official State authority. His presence is confirmed at an event with Santiago Abascal, showing the closeness between both leaders that was already evident when Abascal accompanied Milei at his inauguration as president of Argentina.

In the midst of this crisis, the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, urged the Government to dismiss the Minister of Transport. "Mr. Puente should be fired, but he is neither going to resign nor be fired, because Puente and Sánchez enjoy the quagmire in which they are trying to put Spain," he stated.

During a rally in Badalona, Feijóo pointed out that the socialist leaders "have just created a political crisis with a brother country," and added that Spain deserves "another level." For its part, Borja Semper, national spokesperson for the PP, also criticized Puente, pointing out that Spain needs "a Government that does not cause shame."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC), led by Comrade de Puente, Jose Manuel Albares, concluded its statement by pointing out that the Government and the Spanish people will continue to "maintain and strengthen their fraternal ties and their relations of friendship and collaboration with the Argentine people, a will shared by the entire Spanish society."

After the incident, the Spanish Transport Minister was asked by journalists if he regretted his words, to which Puente did not answer and sent to the MAEC statements.

Milei has greatly criticized the lack of rights and freedoms in Cuba with its explosive, vehement and biting tone that usually generates controversy.

Excited by the historic outbreak of 11J, he called the Castro regime "bloody, murderous and starving" and asked Cubans not to give up their fight. "Freedom will bring you prosperity, well-being and, above all, a lot of happiness. So, Cuban brothers, do not give in. Do not give in, it is your time, move forward! Long live freedom, damn it!" he expressed.

For the official investiture ceremony, held on December 10, he did not invite Miguel Diaz-Canel, Nicolas Maduro, Daniel Ortega, nor the president of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, considering them rulers who systematically violate human rights in their countries and support terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

"The worst presidents of Latin America They are, due to scandal, the one that has to do with the dictatorship in Venezuela, the communism that he wants to promote in Colombia Gustavo Petro, what Nicaragua has or what Cuba has. Those are the worst of all. They are truly despicable," Milei said in early April in an interview with CNN.

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