They update the situation of sports commentator Renier González after leaked audio

A week ago an audio of Renier González was leaked in which he criticizes the quality of the National Baseball Series.

Renier González (d) junto a Carlos Hernández Luján (i) en programa Bola Viva © Facebook/Bola Viva
Renier González (d) with Carlos Hernández Luján (i) in the Bola Viva program Photo © Facebook/Bola Viva

New information about the sports commentator Renier Gonzalez, currently in the middle of public opinion due to a leaked audio in which he attacks the players and fans of the Cuban National Baseball Series, have been made known by colleagues in the sports environment.

According to the sports journalist Yasel Porto, through his Facebook page DPorto Sports LLC, González “did not record the program Live Ball It will be out tomorrow.”

The communicator assures that this decision is a move to “keep him off the air for several days, depending on how hot everything has been with the issue of the controversial audio that was leaked with his voice.”

In a publication on the official account of Live Ball On Facebook, you can see the usual hosts, Carlos Hernández Luján and Duanys Hernández with César Valdés, the Head of Rules and Officiating of Cuban Baseball and the Technical Head of Officiating at the National Baseball Commission.

In addition, he added that a close colleague assured him that the leaked audio is false, considering it as part of the “criterion that is being handled at certain levels of the ICRT and the UPEC (Union of Journalists of Cuba).”

Finally, Porto announced that Renier will be present in the delegation of narrators and journalists who will travel to the Paris Olympic Games, between next July and August. Although this last information was considered unofficial.

“Whether it is real, whether it is manipulated (hopefully so) or a strategy to protect Renier's image, we will only know with time,” he reflected.

An audio leaked on social networks revealed Renier González's opinion about Cuban fans and baseball players.

“Here people seem to be afraid of the fans. What thing? Amateurs know a ball! They catch her on the weaker side. The Series is shit! "The players are badder than the referees!" he is heard saying in the recording shared by the site. Swing Completo.

In a burst of sincerity, the sports commentator ranted against practically everything in current Cuban baseball, expressing his opinions in a direct and even hurtful manner against baseball players and fans.

For this reason, Porto asked to wait for the presenter's explanation. Live Ball, a program that is broadcast on the channel Tele Rebelde of Cuban Television, Carlos Hernandez Lujan, who said he hoped that “it will be better than what he had to give when they took me out of there for totally different reasons.”

Yasel Porto left Cuban Television almost four years ago, following some of his comments where he criticized the state of Cuban baseball in a state program.

At that time, the commentator pointed out that he did not sign any sanction because the directors of the state television only decided not to renew his contract.

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