Sports commentator Renier González attacks fans and players: “They are worse than the referees”

A leaked audio recorded the personal opinions of the media professional, expressed in a burst of sincerity after the episode of violence that occurred in the National Baseball Series.

An audio leaked on social networks revealed the opinion of the Cuban sports commentator Renier Gonzalez on Cuban fans and players, as a result of the episode of violence that occurred on Sunday in the National Baseball Series.

“Here people seem to be afraid of the fans. What thing? Amateurs know a ball! They catch her on the weaker side. The Series is shit! "The players are badder than the referees!" he is heard saying in the recording shared by the site. Swing Completo.

The managers of the teams participating in the Series were not spared from their criticism either. “They send the third hitter to touch the ball after the first and second hitter have reached base, and no one says shit! So what the f… are we talking about? A bunch of stupid people are what they are!”

In a burst of sincerity, the sports commentator ranted against practically everything in current Cuban baseball, expressing his opinions in a direct and even hurtful manner against baseball players and fans.

The origin of their hard charge dates back to the events that occurred last Sunday at the 5 de Septiembre Stadium in the province of Cienfuegos, when an apparent referee error unleashed violence between the local team and its rivals from Camagüey.

The game reached the ninth inning with a five-run tie. In the tenth inning, the tension reached its climax. The player Michael Thompson, from Camagüey, hit a hit to center field with men in second and third, which meant the tie and the victory.

The first run came in and the second, which seemed to be cut off by the Cienfuegos with a precise throw to the catcher from the outfield, was also validated by the referee Yovani Simón Martínez, in a decision that unleashed a massive fight on the ground.

The disagreement escalated quickly, with pushing and altercations between the players and managers of both teams, creating an atmosphere of great tension and violence that resonated among those attending the stadium, who shouted angrily from the stands.

After the unfortunate events, González called on the Cuban authorities to radically confront the indiscipline and manifestations of violence, both by fans and players.

“Let all those who misbehave go to trial! "I make mistakes in my job and we all make mistakes, but we cannot attack each other because this is not war... I call for those who misbehave and engage in antisocial behavior to be brought to trial," said the commentator on the program. Live Ball.

This is not the first time that González has received questions and signs of rejection for his opinions.

In the World Cup in Russia, after Portugal's elimination, the sports commentator was extremely sorry for Cristiano Ronaldo, something that the Cuban journalist Michel Contreras publicly criticized., describing González's attitude as "blind anti-Messi and pro-Cristiano bias."

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