They made it difficult for them! Cuban triumphs on TikTok with job search parody in Miami

Cuban sweeps social networks with humorous video.

A Cuban from Miami is sweeping TikTok with the parody he made of searching for work in the city.

The protagonist of this video is Deivis Nuñez (@deivis_nunez), known in the Cuban TikTok community for his humorous videos. A few weeks ago it also went viral a joke he made to his parents, to whom he told that he wanted to return to Cuba.

Deivis Nuñez's video begins with him waiting at the door of a Home Depot store for a job opportunity. While he is there, a Cuban appears to offer him a job, without revealing what his job would be...

"Daddy, that's what I'm here for. I work in plumbing, gardening, carpentry, everything that ends in AI. I do all kinds of jobs. I need the job", says the young man looking for work when he is offered this opportunity. However, when the time comes to get down to work, he rejects the money. Without a doubt, a job that is not suitable for everyone.

"Brother, but what are you guys eating? I feel sorry for you but this job is hard and I can't do it," he says before ending the video.

Users loved this fun video and left comments commenting on how good it turned out. "That's good, that's what I said. 'That's nonsense and it's the only job that ends with what I don't do.'", "My son and I laugh a lot", "I don't work that AI either" or "Here in this country we have to work on whatever comes. Without fear of success and with all respect for everyone", are some of the messages that are read in the comments box.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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