Posters appear in Matanzas funeral home: “Zero blackouts and more food”

The anti-government graffiti in the town of San Antonio de las Cabezas is a reflection of popular discontent in this town and in the rest of Cuba.

Funeraria en la provincia de Matanzas amanece con carteles de protesta. © Collage Facebook / Mario Pentón
Funeral home in the province of Matanzas dawns with protest signs. Photo © Collage Facebook / Mario Pentón

In the midst of the worsening of economic crisis and the resurgence of blackouts, the funeral home in the town of San Antonio de Cabezas, in the Matanzas municipality of Unión de Reyes, woke up this Wednesday with several signs painted as a sign of protest.

“Zero blackouts and more food is the cry of the people,” wrote journalist Mario Pentón in Facebook, where he shared the images that show how the posters They covered several walls.

Pentón expressed ironically: “At least we are going to force them to paint the funeral home”. However, the intention of the posters as an expression of popular discontent, although they are covered by the regime, is spread in the social networks.

In the photographs you can also clearly see the message of political protest "Homeland and Life", along with a call to the population not to pay the electricity bill.

Lastly, in reference to the protests of last march that took place in several cities in Cuba, a forceful statement is also read: “Older people are the ones who have to go out into the streets”.

Last April, another anti-government graffiti was seen in Havana, in the midst of the general crisis and the growing unpopularity of the ruler. Miguel Diaz-Canel.

The Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP) reported that the poster recently appeared in the park on Obispo Street, corner Aguacate.

Facebook/ICLEP Capture

Also in April, but in the city of Santiago de Cuba, a sign with a message against the ruler appeared on the wall of a house.

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta

As reported in Facebook the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, the event occurred near the central Plaza de Marte, an emblematic public space of the eastern city.

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