Activist Thais Mailén Franco asks for help to reunite with her children in the US.

The Cuban woman opened a campaign on the GoFundMe platform to raise funds to help her take her young children to the United States.

Thais Mailén Franco © Facebook/Thais Franco
Thais Mailén Franco Photo © Facebook/Thais Franco

The Cuban activist Thais Mailén Franco has made a request for help with the aim of reuniting with his children in the United States.

“I need the support of all of you, to be able to have my children, my crocodiles with me, I am against the clock, I can't take it anymore,” explained Thais on the online fundraising platform. GoFundMe.

The Cuban, who arrived in the United States in October 2022 with his eldest son who was close to the age of entering mandatory military service, is now looking to take his youngest children, who stayed in Cuba, to that country.

“Anyone who can, and wants to, make a donation to me, I will be more than eternally grateful,” Thais said.

The activist said that her young children are receiving threats at their school and in the neighborhood.. “Knowing that they need me, that they are in danger and that because of the dictatorship, I cannot do anything,” the woman declared.

In his goal of taking his children to the United States, Thais put his house in Havana up for sale, but has not been successful in finding a buyer.. “Unfortunately, time is ticking, and no buyer has appeared, I need all your support,” he argued.

Thais was pressured by State Security to leave the country, under threat of taking her to prison.

Their children Xabryna and Maikol, aged nine and 10 respectively, remained on the island., who could not go to the United States with their mother and brother because she did not have the budget or conditions to guarantee them a safe trip.

"My two little crocodiles, my beloved little children, how I wish I could give them a hug and for us all to be together. They don't know how much their mommy misses them, I see them in this photo so skinny and barely without smiles," he said in a message published on the social network Facebook last year.

In her fight to get ahead in the United States, the activist has had to face the vicissitudes of emigration.

According to the activist's publications, she recently began studying in the United States. Her stated goal is: “to become a great professional masseuse.”

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