Children shout at an elderly homeless man in Santiago de Cuba: "Don't eat garbage!"

The old man, very thin and leaning on a long stick that served as a cane, rummaged through a pile of rubbish, put things in his mouth and ate them.

A sad event occurred on Friday in a park in Santiago de Cuba, where a old man was seen by some children when he was eating from the garbage.

The scene was captured from the place where the little ones were, who began to yell at the man not to do that.

"Don't eat garbage," they told him over and over again.

The video was broadcast by the journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada on your wall Facebook.

The old man, very thin and leaning on a long stick that served as a cane, rummaged through a pile of rubbish and again and again he put something in his mouth and ate it.

"It happened in a neighborhood in the city of Santiago de Cuba," the reporter said.

"The saddest thing, along with this moment of need for an older person, is that small children who are not older than five years old shout at them in their innocence: 'don't eat garbage', without being able to internalize, at their young age, that this is a reality that is currently being experienced throughout the country," he stressed.

The journalist asked that anyone who has information about the old man write privately.

At the beginning of the month, supportive people They helped a Cuban mother who is so poor that she goes with her daughter to collect garbage in a landfill In the Habana.

Facebook user Yaimara Quesada announced the woman's case when she saw her and her little girl digging through the waste, which generated a solidarity campaign in favor of both.

"It is hard to know and see the conditions that she lives with her baby, if you could put it that way. I strongly ask, please, how we can cooperate..." she said in the group "Cuban mothers for a better world."

In the publication, he shared videos showing the conditions of extreme poverty in which the mother and her two-year-old daughter survive in the Zamora neighborhood, Marianao municipality.

In mid-April, the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) warned about the increase in begging in the country, highlighting that it is increasingly common to see people going through garbage containers in search of food and other resources.

"Seeing people searching garbage dumps and landfills is part of the common panorama on the island, where 88% of the population lives well below the poverty line," the organization denounced on Twitter.

The OCDH shared a video that showed dramatic scenes of people searching for livelihoods in waste, in the provinces of Camagüey and Havana.

Cuba is considered the poorest nation in Latin America, a fact evidenced in the alarming increase in people in begging situations.

The country has a 72% poverty rate, a figure obtained after evaluating parameters such as per capita income, access to health services, social security, food, quality and housing spaces.

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