Movie "Plantadas" will be available on the Vix platform

The film 'Plantadas', which pays tribute to the political prisoners of Castroism, will premiere on Vix on May 15.

Fotograma del filme "Plantadas" © Captura de video YouTube / Vilaplana Films
Still from the film "Plantadas" Photo © YouTube video capture / Vilaplana Films

The movie Planted, by the Cuban filmmaker Lilo Vilaplana, which pays homage to the Cuban political prisoners who were victims of Castroism, will be available in the service streaming hispano Vix.

From the film's official Instagram account they announced this news, which brings the production closer to those interested in seeing it.

Planted It will be available on the Vix platform starting May 15,” they wrote.

Planted, That filmed during the year 2022, features performances by Alina Robert, Claudia Toma, Rachel Vallori, Yuliet Cruz, Ariel Texidó, Daniel Romero, Luis Manuel Álvarez, Lily Rentería, Larisa Vega, Amarilys Núñez, Juanita Baró, Vivian Ruiz and Frank Egusquiza.

The script is by Ángel Santiesteban, Ninoska Pérez and Vilaplana himself, who shares direction with his son Camilo.

About this movie, Larisa Vega said that “it is a representation of the pain, anguish and despair of those relatives of prisoners.”

At the premiere of the film during the XL Miami International Film FestivalLast year, Joe Carollo, commissioner of Miami, stated that “any person who sees this film and is Cuban and is not affected by it is a human being who has no heart or conscience. Seeing the suffering of these ladies, of thousands like them, affected me deeply. “These women we have here have more courage than the vast majority of men in the world.”

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