They offer half a million pesos for a stolen motorcycle in Ciego de Ávila

The motorcycle was stolen from a garage.

Moto robada de un garaje en Ciego de Ávila © Cortesía para CiberCuba
Motorcycle stolen from a garage in Ciego de Ávila Photo © Courtesy of CiberCuba

A Cuban resident in the head municipality of Ciego de Avila offers a reward of half a million pesos for clear and precise information about a motorcycle that was stolen from him on May 9.

“We promise and guarantee total protection and anonymity with the person who sends us information regarding the subject”, can be read in the advertisement published on networks, which offers 53648934 as a contact telephone number.

In additional information shared with CyberCuba From a cousin of the victim, we learned that the motorcycle was stolen in the early hours of last Thursday from a garage near the roundabout that is close to the national bus terminal in Ciego de Ávila.

The criminals forced the slat of a window and entered the garage through that.

Window through which the thieves entered (Courtesy of CiberCuba)

Then they spread oil to affect possible scent prints for the dogs.

The motorcycle had a lock and they took it apparently dragged through the undergrowth, judging by the trail they left in the ground.

The motorcycle was allegedly dragged, since it had a lock on (Courtesy of CiberCuba)

We reiterate that anyone who has any information can contact telephone number 53648934.

In another recent motorcycle theft, Three armed men broke into the house last Sunday of a young man in broad daylight in the city of Holguín to steal a motorcycle and other valuable belongings, as revealed on social networks by the victim's father.

In that case, in addition to the motorbike, the victim would have had a wallet, phone and a chain stolen.

Although in recent weeks the general perception is of a slight decrease in reports of such events on social networks, many argue that the rate of robberies and violence continues to be high on the island.

In March, a high Official from the Attorney General's Office denied that criminal violence has increased in Cuba, which includes the crimes of murder, manslaughter, injuries, robbery with violence and sexual assault.

Beatriz de la Peña La O, head of the Investigation Department of the Directorate of Criminal Proceedings, tried to divert attention to social networks and their ability to provide information with a greater reach.

According to the prosecutor, there is a false perception that there are more crimes, since the networks give greater visibility to the facts and the number of Internet users has grown.

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