Education authorities in Sancti Spíritus rule on the case of a teacher accused of hitting a child

The case is under investigation

The alleged attack on a five-year-old boy with a wooden object at a school in the province of Holy Spirit is under investigation and the reported teacher has been temporarily separated from the center, as revealed by the local press.

“In the face of an incident of such magnitude, the first thing we do is apply a precautionary measure to the person, so We separate the teacher from the school, until the investigations are concluded,” revealed Andrei Armas Bravo, director general of Education in the province of Sancti Spíritus, in statements to Escambray.

The manager says that from the moment the incident was reported, an exhaustive investigation began that has included interviews with dozens of teaching and non-teaching workers, as well as surveys of families with children who study at the school where the incident occurred. the Mariana Grajales Coello primary school, located in the community of Jarahueca, in Yaguajay.

The commission created was able to exchange with the child, in addition to listening to directors and colleagues of the teacher, as well as the rest of the students in the school's preschool classroom.

“Until this minute we have not been able to prove or verify that this teacher hit the child”, stated Andrei Armas.

"She is a young teacher, but with experience and, of course, we are not exempt from inappropriate educational methods being used in our schools, but what we are sure of is that, if the occurrence of an event were to be demonstrated Thus, we will apply the most severe sanctions,” added Armas Bravo, who did not specify when the ongoing investigation is expected to be concluded.

He explained that last week after spending three days with a fever of 39 and 40, the minor's mother decided to take him to the hospital, where they detected "a lung ailment" for which he was referred to the provincial pediatric hospital.

The child was admitted in the afternoon of May 9. In addition to the fever, he had a wet cough, weakness, and loss of appetite.

“The minor sometimes reported pain in the left hypochondrium,” said Dr. Lisailén Portal Fernández, a first-degree specialist in Pediatrics who works at the aforementioned hospital.

According to Portal Fernández, as soon as the little boy arrived at the pediatric hospital, they performed all the complementary tests, including a leukogram and chest X-ray, in order to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible. Once the diagnosis of left-sided pneumonia was established, antimicrobial therapy with third-generation cephalosporin was started.

According to the first-degree specialist in Pediatrics, a blow or a trauma like the one attributed to the teacher it would not cause a disease such as pneumonia.

At this time the minor is progressing positively and is expected to be discharged soon. He has remained fever-free, active, in very good general condition, without respiratory distress, without cyanosis and with a favorable radiological evolution.

Regarding the complaint, the Director General of Education concluded that “We will act with total transparency and in accordance with the laws and regulations in force”, although he did not specify when the commission created for this purpose is expected to offer a final opinion.

In the comments section of the publication of Escambray, The minor's father insisted on giving credibility to his son's testimony.

"I am the father of the child and the only purpose and intention with the publication of the case, despite recognizing my error regarding the damage that may be caused to my son by exposing his face, is only to investigate and take fair measures. It is impossible for my child to express out loud what happened and still question what happened.“wrote Yenier Toledano Torres, who identified himself as the father of Angelo, the name of the minor.

“I thank God that the pneumonia, according to the specialists, was not due to the blow, but in my view as a father, the child clearly manifests what happened. "I have nothing else to defend other than supporting my child," he added, while thanking the medical staff who treated him and everyone who cared about the case.

Testimony of the minor's father (Capture of Escambray)

The complaint came to light from a Facebook post by the minor's aunt, accompanied by a video where the child himself explained that the teacher had hit him.

“The teacher hit me hard… I stood on the chair, outside… She took the machete and hit me… wow!”, the little boy himself confessed and showed the doctor the part of his body where he was hit. The child stated that he felt pain on his left side when the professional palpated him during the physical examination.

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