In the doorways and sidewalks, this is how Cubans sleep during the intense blackouts.

Mothers with children sleep on the curbs of Santiago de Cuba.

Madre cubana © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada/Facebook
Cuban motherPhoto © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada/Facebook

In the midst of long power outages and the intense summer heat in Cuba, residents in the Caribbean nation must sleep in doorways, on sidewalks, and even on their home's floor tiles.

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada stated on Facebook that in Santiago de Cuba, many people are sleeping outdoors due to the frequent power outages and high nighttime temperatures.

Published images show mothers with children sleeping on the walls next to the sidewalks.

Also in provinces like Las Tunas, CiberCuba found that several residents have decided to sleep on the roofs of their houses to endure the infernal heat amid power outages lasting up to 15 consecutive hours.

In several regions of the country, the energy situation has already triggered strong protests.

Publication onFacebook

The regime assures that the situation "is complex but temporary," and contradicts itself by stating that protests are expected due to the blackouts that will occur during the summer.

This Saturday it was revealed that participants in the recent protests in Baracoa due to the severe blackouts have been summoned and threatened by State Security.

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