Agents of the regime repress and arrest young person for protesting in Camagüey.

Four police officers and plainclothes agents used force to prevent the young man from demonstrating in Plaza de la Caridad, where he was protesting with shouts of "Díaz-Canel out!". One of the enforcers tried to silence him by covering his mouth.

A young Cuban man was repressed and arrested by Police and State Security officers in the city of Camagüey, when he protested alone and peacefully against the Castro regime last Saturday.

A video published on social media by the Cuban journalist José Raúl Gallego shows the moment when four police officers and undercover agents use force to prevent the young man from continuing his protest in La Caridad Square, where, in broad daylight, he shouted at the top of his lungs: "¡Díaz-Canel is a traitor!”. One of the enforcers even tries to silence him by covering his mouth.

Last Saturday, May 18, a young man protested in Plaza de la Caridad, in Camagüey. In the video, one can see how he is repressed by police and plainclothes paramilitaries. One of them tries to cover his mouth when the young man refers to @DiazCanelB as what he truly is: an asshole," wrote Gallego on social media X.

In the images, it can be seen how some people try to prevent the police from taking the protester into custody.

Gallego pointed out that the young man decided to carry out his protest in front of one of the headquarters of the State Security in Camagüey, and posted a photo and a map with the location of the military institution and the park. Likewise, he stated that "three people from the area confirmed the protest and the detention."

Citing the information received, the journalist revealed that the young man resides in the Torre Blanca neighborhood, "but his name and current status after the protest are unknown."

Likewise, he requested "any information that can help shed light on what is happening with him at this time."

The protest of this young man is another evidence of the Cuban residents' frustration in the country, deprived of the most basic human rights and with no other way out than to protest -at the risk of being arrested and subjected to long and unfair prison sentences- or, in the "best" of cases, leave the country as hundreds of thousands of people have done in the last two and a half years, due to the deep economic crisis and the suffocating repressive climate experienced on the island.

In recent days, there has been growing discontent among the population due to the constant and endless power outages, which have even extended up to 18 hours or more in several provinces.

As a result, many families have lost a large portion of the scarce food they manage to obtain due to the lack of refrigeration; they experience the breakdown of household appliances due to unexpected power outages and are deprived of being able to sleep at night, overwhelmed by the suffocating heat. An unbearable and inhumane situation.

Massive protests in Las Tunas and Baracoa demanding electricity service and food, mothers standing with their children in front of local government offices, posters in central areas of towns and cities, and several other forms of protests have erupted in recent days.

Regarding the power outages, the Cuban regime admitted that they expect protests in the months of July and August due to the blackouts, even though the speech of the Electric Union (UNE) maintains that the thermoelectric plants will undergo maintenance until the end of June to ensure a summer without power cuts, something that the vast majority of Cubans view with distrust and disbelief.

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