"Bread and circus" in Camagüey to forget about the blackouts.

Residents in the capital of the province with the highest number of power outages at the beginning of the month will have access to plates of food for a value of 50 CUP. The menu includes a serving of rice, protein, starchy vegetables, and salads.

Feria de alimentos © Radio Cadena Agramonte
Food fairPhoto © Radio Cadena Agramonte

As a pain reliever for the discomfort caused by the power outages in Cuba, authorities in the city of Camagüey offer the people a dose of circus and false tranquility with a program of recreational activities and various options for purchasing prepared food.

According to the state radio station Radio Cadena Agramonte, the initiative stems from the joint coordination of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, the Municipal Company of Restaurants and Recreation Centers, and the Business Group of Commerce.

In this way, residents in the capital of the province with the highest reports of blackouts at the beginning of the month will have access to food plates worth 50 CUP. The menu includes a portion of rice, protein, root vegetables, and salads.

According to Dixami Rodríguez Gómez, president of the municipal government, "the action program has caused a positive impact in areas of the Guernica, Arenera, El Porvenir, and La Belén neighborhoods".

In addition to food, the institutions offer recreational and leisure alternatives, with sports games for children and teenagers, as well as presentations from the Sociocultural Golpe a Golpe Project, belonging to the Hermanos Saíz Association.

Options like these attempt to address the inconvenience caused by the prolonged period of crisis in the Cuban electrical system, which lacks the infrastructure to meet the energy demand of a country experiencing power outages of up to 18 uninterrupted hours, and more.

The consequences of the debacle extend throughout the entire national territory. For example, the absence of electricity caused the loss of "fluid milk" intended for the children of Matanzas on Wednesday, as reported by the official channel Telebandera on Facebook.

Facebook/Telebandera screenshot

Similarly, in Santiago de Cuba, they announced the sale of coal to the population as an alternative to the electrical energy deficit and fuel scarcity. This is happening in a country where the majority of the population relies on electrical appliances for cooking food.

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