Young Cuban man returns to the island by surprise: This was the heartbreaking reunion he experienced with his mother.

A young Cuban man returns to the island and experiences an emotional reunion with his mother. Watch the video of this touching moment.

A Cuban was the protagonist of a very emotional reunion on the island, where he returned from the United States to embrace his parents again. It was on his TikTok account that the precious moment of his reunion with his mother was shared, receiving thousands of congratulatory messages from hundreds of users who were touched by the emotion of the scene.

"The moment I desired the most since I arrived in the United States was to be able to hug my mother, and thanks to God, I was given the opportunity," wrote @delgado09r alongside the video, in which we see him arriving at his mother's house, kneeling in front of her as soon as he sees her. His very emotional mother cannot contain her tears and they embrace in a beautiful hug."

"I cannot help but cry every time I see one of these videos, I burst into tears thinking when will it be my turn," "I have to break the bad habit of crying for people I do not know. This goes straight to the soul," "I do not understand how they can ask us not to return to Cuba," "So beautiful, he knelt before his mother," "One must watch these videos to know that true love exists" or "There is nothing in the world compared to that hug we have been waiting for so long," are some of the messages left for this young man.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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