Strong collision between a car and a motorcycle at Los Elevados de Vía Blanca, Havana.

Some internet users point out that in that section of Los Elevados there are always accidents at the exit of the CUPET.

A strong collision occurred on Tuesday afternoon between a car and a motorcycle at Los Elevados de Vía Blanca in Havana, without any information so far about whether there were any injuries.

"I just passed by and saw it on Vía Blanca, I don't know details," said Yohandry García, member of the Facebook group "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!", who shared a photo showing the damage to the front part of the car, with the bumper detached.

Facebook screenshot / BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!

User Miguel Sánchez Guerrero also recorded a video from his car showing the two vehicles crashed in the middle of the road.

An internet user pointed out that in that stretch of Los Elevados there are always accidents at the CUPET exit, while others argue that this one in particular was due to an improper turn of the driver.

Facebook / BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims! / Raul Hernandex.

"It was before the 40 km/h sign, apparently, because of the position, what was coming out of the CUPET and trying to turn left above the yellow line," speculated a woman.

I passed by there 5 minutes ago and that car was crazy trying to switch lanes, it almost hit me. They don't want to respect any right of way," denounced the user identified as Moto Piezas.

About two weeks ago, a bus rear-ended an electric motorcycle at the traffic lights at the intersections of Infanta and San Lázaro streets, in the municipality of Centro Habana, impacting it in such a way that the seat ended up almost vertically.

According to witnesses, the motorcyclist did not suffer major consequences thanks to the fact that when he stood up, the seat lifted him up and he fell projected onto the pavement, avoiding being pinned between both vehicles.

Just a few hours earlier, a collision between a classic car and a motorcycle occurred in the town of San Antonio del Sur, in Guantánamo, which left one person dead and another injured who had to be taken to the hospital.

"One deceased, the other was transferred to the general hospital in Guantánamo" said Yanier Regueiferos Rosado on Facebook, who according to his profile works at the Integrated System of Medical Emergencies (SIUM) in that province.

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