Díaz-Canel laments death of Corina Mestre: "My loyal friend and collaborator"

The leader said that the regime lost a passionate defender.

Corina Mestre y Miguel Díaz-Canel © X/Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez
Corina Mestre and Miguel Diaz-CanelPhoto © X/Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez

The Cuban ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel lamented on Saturday the death of the actress Corina Mestre, whom he considered a "loyal friend, collaborator, teacher, and patriot."

"I am deeply saddened by the death of my faithful friend, collaborator, TEACHER, AND PATRIOT. I embrace her husband and son, and the people of Cuba, who have lost one of their most passionate defenders," expressed the leader in a post on X.

In recent years, the 69-year-old actress has shown herself as a staunch defender of the Castro regime.

The camaraderie between the two was notable on several occasions. In 2022, Díaz-Canel congratulated Mestre after receiving the National Theater Award for her artistic career and called her "dear sister, friend of common cause, exemplary teacher, 'chief theatrist'".

The Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso Grau, reported this Saturday that the artist had passed away in Havana due to unspecified causes.

What sad news! The great actress and educator Corina Mestre passed away today in Havana. The entire Cuba will mourn her. Cuban culture loses one of its greatest figures and the Revolution loses a strong advocate. "Our eternal gratitude for your work and your example, dear sister!" wrote.

The Ministry of Culture also dedicated a few words of tribute to the artist and sent their condolences to family and friends.

Sad news for Cuban culture: Corina Mestre, actress and educator with a long and established artistic career and a beloved figure by the Cuban people, has passed away," expressed on his Facebook wall.

Mestre was born in Havana and trained in Performing Arts at the Higher Institute of Art, where he graduated in 1981, to start working at the renowned Theater Estudio Group, under the direction of Raquel Revuelta.

During his time with this group, he took part in over 70 performances in plays such as Macbeth, Blood Wedding, The Festival of the Dove, We Live in the City, The Golden Calf, among others.

His career in the world of theater also included a significant foray into children's theater, with various versions of literary classics, such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Momo.

He was part of the cast of numerous television novels, series, and dramas.

Thousands of Cubans remember her for her portrayal of Bernarda Alba in the reinterpretation of Federico García Lorca's classic, "The House of Bernarda Alba." She also worked for the radio.

He received numerous recognitions and awards, including the National Prize for Artistic Education, the Youth Master Award, the Alejo Carpentier Medal, and the National Theater Award in 2022.

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