Truck overturns on Central Highway in Cuba.

Apparently, the vehicle was loaded with flour, beers, and other supplies destined for Cuban SMEs.

A private truck from the 1950s had an accident this Saturday on the Central Road of Cuba and ended up overturned on the side of the road, with no reported loss of human lives.

Central road. In the town of Yariguá, Las Tunas. Only material damages reported by a user from the Facebook group 'Accidents Buses & Trucks' in a post where they shared videos and photographs of the incident.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

The truck, with license plate P 198 331, had to be towed by a crane that traveled to the scene. In the images, a large amount of white dust could be seen on the road and what appeared to be a bag of flour.

Asked about the vehicle's cargo, the author of the publication replied that there were no passengers traveling, although the truck seemed equipped for the transportation of people. "Flour and beer is what I could see. It looked like the cargo of a micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME)," he pointed out.

"They weren't passengers; they were food for the new owners of Cuba," pointed out an alleged witness to the events in the comments on the publication. A video shared in the mentioned group allowed seeing how, at the moment of loading the vehicle with the help of a crane, a cloud of white dust came out of its interior.

Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

The village of Yariguá is located in the northeast, at km 11½ of the central road that connects the province of Las Tunas with Camagüey. The causes that caused the accident that occurred in this People's Council are unknown.

At the beginning of May, a truck loaded with wheat flour had an accident and ended up overturned on the Central Highway, at the height of Las Tunas, spilling its load on the asphalt. There were no human lives lost in the incident.

Images shared on social media showed the condition in which the vehicle was left, a Soviet-made ZIL 130 truck, which ended up completely overturned with its wheels pointing towards the sky.

Witnesses to the accident stated that "the rear tires on the driver's side of the truck came off, causing it to overturn." The truck cabin (with license plate B 223 975) was completely crushed. However, the driver did not suffer any serious injuries.

Amidst the acute shortage of wheat flour affecting the country, with provinces that only guarantee pumpkin bread for children under 14 years old, accidents like this one are even more regrettable.

In mid-February, a trailer transporting a container loaded with boxes of beer, beverages, and other food products overturned in Camagüey. Images shared on social media showed the container on the side of the road, with the cargo scattered over a meadow.

Last November, a group of people from Havana (including children) were involved in a sad scene when a truck carrying flour spilled a considerable amount, and they started to pick it up from the road. The incident took place in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, before reaching the road known as the Eight Paths.

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