A wounded person during a house fire in Havana: "It was caused by an electrical cut."

The man who suffered burns is the owner of the house, which was completely destroyed.

Restos de la casa incendiada © Comunicación Gob Diez de Octubre / Facebook
Remnants of the burned housePhoto © Diez de Octubre Government Communication / Facebook

A fire that occurred in a house located on 19th Avenue and Final Street, in the Diez de Octubre municipality, in Havana, resulted in one injured person and the total destruction of the property.

The victim is the homeowner, who had to be taken to the hospital due to the burns he suffered.

According to the Municipality Government's Facebook post, the man was taken to Miguel Enríquez Hospital (La Benéfica) in a police car.

Testimonies from neighbors indicate that the fire was caused by a short circuit triggered by an electric stove.

Facebook screenshot / Ten de Octubre Government Communication

"The investigations are being carried out to clarify the event well," the note specifies.

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