A man is arrested in Hialeah accused of vandalizing cars.

The man arrested lives in the same neighborhood.

Carro vandalizado (i) y Hombre acusado de vandalismo (d) © Collage Captura de Telemundo 51
Vandalized car (i) and Man accused of vandalism (d)Photo © Collage Telemundo 51 Capture

A man was arrested accused of vandalizing a total of 16 cars in a neighborhood in west Hialeah with black paint.

The individual, 28 years old and identified as Yuniesky Mayor, was captured by security cameras while walking in the parking area of a residential complex and painting one of the vehicles.

In the video, he was seen shirtless, wearing shorts, and holding spray paint, according to Telemundo 51 citing the arrest report as the source.

Police record (

The mayor -whose nationality has not been disclosed- is a neighbor in the same residential complex as the victims, which allowed him to hide if suddenly a witness arrived.

"Both doors and the windshield of mine were painted. I went out in the morning to take out my little dog and found that unpleasant surprise," said a neighbor referring to last Wednesday morning, when the cars were found painted.

"My car had a fish or something strange painted on the driver's door. Fortunately, I was able to clean it, otherwise, it would have cost me dearly," detailed another victim.

During his court appearance, the individual said he was walking in the area because he lives there, but denied having painted the cars.

The detective in charge of the case revealed that Mayor was already involved in a similar incident last November.

On that occasion, he used wall paint and even painted a police car in the same neighborhood.

Yuniesky Mayor remains detained in TGK prison, although he could be released at any time by paying the bail imposed by the judge.

The prosecution has requested that they be kept under house arrest, given the recurrence of their vandalistic acts and the disturbance they cause in the community.

The suspect could face fines ranging from $500 to $5,000, as well as a possible jail sentence or probation period, which will be determined based on the extent of the damages caused.

The local police have urged anyone with additional information about the incident to contact the authorities to cooperate in the investigation.

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