Here in the USA, we come to work, not to feel sorry for ourselves: Cuban from Miami shares reflection on TikTok.

"Living at the mercy of people, all that you leave behind in Cuba," he said in his applauded reflection.

In a recent video posted on TikTok, a Cuban from Miami shared her thoughts on the realities of immigrating to the United States, addressing both Cubans who have already arrived, as well as those in transit or considering immigrating. She warned her compatriots about the illusions and mistaken expectations that are often built around life in this country.

Life in the United States is very different," she began, emphasizing that the country offers many opportunities and benefits, but it also requires a significant change in mentality and way of living.

This country has many good things, but it has its aspects that are not bad but that maybe for you, as you are adapted to a life that is lived but not with that thing that needs to be worked on because bills need to be paid, as it is lived in Cuba.

One of the central points of his message was the importance of work and self-sufficiency. "Here in the United States, we don't live by begging," he stated firmly. In his opinion, dignity and success in the United States are achieved through constant effort and the ability to face difficulties without relying on the compassion of others. To illustrate his point, he mentioned the many single mothers who "are working hard, making 10, 15 beds every day in a hotel, cleaning up vomit, cleaning up s***," and who, despite not receiving any kind of government assistance, strive to support their children.

Dayanis -the TikTok username of the young Cuban mother- emphasized that true independence is achieved by leaving behind the mentality of asking for help, which she believes is common in Cuba. "You leave dependence in Cuba and living at the mercy of people, all of that you leave in Cuba because this country gives you the opportunity to work," she stated, emphasizing that migrating to receive constant support from others is a mistake and that "here in this country, you come to work, to move forward without expecting anything from anyone."

In her words, she also criticized the image that some people project on social media about life in the United States, an image that, according to her, does not always reflect reality. "Do not be swayed by what social media wants to sell you and by what many Cubans are now trying to sell about that image of what life in the United States is."

In addition, he highlighted the possibilities that exist in the country for those willing to work hard. "You can go to work and look for money like we all do here in the United States," he explained.

The video concludes with a heartfelt advice to Cubans who are planning to emigrate, are on their way, or have just arrived: "Coming to the United States means coming to work, to move forward, and the beginnings in this country are very tough, very tough. The way is not to scream for help, but to ask yourself what are you going to do to help yourself," said in the post that has prompted praise and approval from many users on the network.

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