Amanda is getting better every day: "She laughs a lot, something she didn't do before."

Next week Amanda will undergo a contrast test to see how her bile duct is functioning after a catheter with drainage and a stent were placed on May 27th.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz © Lara Crofs / Facebook
Amanda Lemus OrtizPhoto © Lara Crofs / Facebook

Almost three months after undergoing a liver transplant in Spain, the Cuban girl Amanda Lemus Ortiz continues to progress day by day.

This is how activist Lara Crofs confirmed it on her Facebook wall, where she recounted that when she gave two girls a bottle in Havana, the first thing they did was ask about the health of the little girl.

"Amanda is improving more and more every day, beautiful, she laughs a lot, something she didn't do before," revealed happily.

Facebook screenshot / Lara Crofs

The girl continues to evolve after returning to the operating room on May 27 for a new and small intervention in which the doctors placed a catheter with drainage and a stent in the bile duct, which was dilating.

"The dilation of the duct is due to the amount of antibiotic to which the girl continues to be subjected, because of resistant bacteria she contracted while in Cuba," Lara explained at the time.

At the beginning of next week, Amanda will undergo a contrast test to see how the duct is working from the catheter.

The girl once again came out of the postoperative period perfectly. Amanda and her parents have tremendous strength. Surviving everything they have had to go through has been epic," emphasized the activist.

Despite her positive evolution, specialists warn that the recovery of the child may take months. The cause of all the relapses she has had in these two months is the serious physical deterioration with which she arrived at La Paz University Hospital in Madrid.

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