A trailer overturns on the Bayamo ring road

The vehicle ended up overturned completely on the road, and the police had to close traffic in the area until they were able to remove it.

A trailer from the company Universal Warehouses, coming from Santiago de Cuba, overturned on the Bayamo ring road this Wednesday.

The incident, as indicated on social media by some witnesses, happened right in front of the Rubén Nogueras tobacco factory and the provincial EIDE. Fortunately, no loss of human lives was reported.

Facebook Bus and Truck Accidents

An internet user pointed out on the Facebook profile Accidents Involving Buses and Trucks that the large vehicle apparently "took the curve too fast."

The event was described as impressive by people who were at the scene. The trailer, which was carrying goods from Santiago, ended up overturned on the side of the road and was emitting smoke.

Police units arrived at the scene to control the situation and secure the area. The officers worked on regulating traffic to prevent further complications while the vehicle and merchandise recovery operations were carried out.

Gilbert Rodríguez Fabelo, one of the witnesses, commented: "I was present, it was impressive the way that trailer overturned." The local community expressed relief at the absence of casualties.

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