Cuban mother of a child with autism has been asking for help for 4 years to fix the roof of her house.

Danay Aguilar has a monthly salary of 2,600 pesos and lives in the Batallas de las Guásimas community, in Vertientes, Camagüey. Since 2021, she has been requesting three bags of cement from the authorities to fix the leaks in her roof, but the authorities are not paying attention to her.

Danay Aguilar is a mother of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who also suffers from chronic encephalopathy, epilepsy, Landau Kleffner syndrome, chronic asthma, allergies, and thrombocytopenia. Three years ago, she asked the authorities of the community Batalla de las Guásimas and the municipality of Vertientes, in Camagüey, for three sacks of cement to fix the roof of her house, a fourth and last floor of a building, with the intention of correcting the leaks she had at that time. They never paid attention to her.

The problem is that nowadays the situation has worsened, and it's not just that it rains more inside than outside the house, but also the outlets get wet from the rain, and the autistic child doesn't understand why his mom can't turn on the electrical devices so he can listen to the music that soothes him so much.

When it rains, Danay Aguilar says she has to move the electric pots and all the appliances from one room to another looking for a corner in the house where they won't get wet.

Tired of local authorities and the People's Power ignoring her case, Danay Aguilar has made the complaint on social media and also on CiberCuba although she fears that this will have consequences and that, far from receiving the help she needs, they will take away the little they give her.

"No one," explains this young mother who lives with her seventy-something-year-old mother in the small town of Camagüey, has come by their house these days after the heavy rains they have had, to ask how the child is doing or how they have fared through the downpours.

Her situation is dire, she adds, because the child needs a lot of medications that when they are missing at the pharmacy, she has to pay for at market price with her salary of 2,600 pesos. With that money, she insists, she has to travel 50 kilometers to take her child to the hospital, as well as cover all basic food needs. Fixing the roof of her house is an investment that she cannot afford if she does not receive social assistance that she should have had for the last four years.

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Tania Costa

She was born in Havana in 1973 and currently lives in Spain. She has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was the head of the Murcia edition of 20 minutos and communication advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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