Emotional delivery: Limay Blanco surprises Christian pastor couple with a house

Since the beginning of this month, Limay explained that he is getting ready to start the "Help a Christian" project.

The delivery of house number 38 from the Christ Saves Lives Ministry, represented by the comedian Limay Blanco, was a moment filled with emotion and religiosity.

On this occasion, Blanco asked some shepherds to bless the new home, anointing it with sacred oil from a holy place for the new inhabitants.

However, the surprise would come at the end of this act, when Limay took out the keys from his pant pocket and told the pastors in his house, leading them to the deepest emotion.

In a video shared on his Facebook profile, Limay explained that the same day he delivered house number 37 to a mother with two children living in subhuman conditions, one of his friends named Yordy prayed for the place.

He recounted that at 4 in the morning, while sitting on his living room couch, he felt "a sensation in my heart and some images in my brain," which he described as a message from God asking him to find two pastors and give them house number 38.

Just as he described in his dream, Limay made it happen in reality, causing deep emotions in the two beneficiaries, who could not believe what was happening.

In the video, the strong hug in which Limay and the benefited pastor merge is emotional, while the pastor's wife could not contain her surprise and remained in tears.

The house that was delivered is fully furnished and, according to the shared images, consists of a living room, a kitchen-dining room, bathroom, and a bedroom.

Since the beginning of this month, Limay explained that he is preparing to start the project "Help a Christian," aimed at assisting Christians in Havana who live in poor conditions.

The comedian wants, on August 20, when the Ministry Christ Changes Lives celebrates its fourth anniversary, to deliver three houses, aiming to reach a total of 40 houses donated thanks to contributions.

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