Actress Thais Valdés returns to Cuban cinema and joins the cast of the new film by Gerardo Chijona.

The artist joins a large cast for "La Fiesta" consisting of Héctor Noas, Vladimir Cruz, Isabel Santos, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Tahimí Alvariño, and Carlos Gonzalvo.

Thais Valdés © Facebook / Thais Valdés
Thais ValdésPhoto © Facebook / Thais Valdés

Thais Valdés, one of the most well-known faces in Cuban cinema, will be part of La Fiesta, the new film by Gerardo Chijona.

The film marks the return of the actress to Cuban cinema after several years of absence from acting in her native country.

The protagonist of Alice in Wondertown (1991) is once again summoned by director Gerardo Chijona, with whom she has previously worked on films such as Adorable Lies (1991) and A Paradise Under the Stars (1999), two highly representative films of Cuban cinema.

Valdés, who has been residing in Mexico since 2003, joins a great cast for La Fiesta, consisting of Héctor Noas, Vladimir Cruz, Isabel Santos, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Tahimí Alvariño, and Carlos Gonzalvo.

Just a few days ago, Hector Noas and Vladimir Cruz were celebrating on their social media the opportunity to participate in this movie alongside renowned colleagues.

The filming of La Fiesta will begin on July 8th, and the premiere is scheduled for the first semester of 2025.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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