Santiago de Cuba funeral home overwhelmed: "There are coffins even in the hallways."

A user reported that the funeral home in Santiago de Cuba woke up with more than 29 deceased being mourned by their relatives and loved ones, causing coffins to be placed even in the hallways.

The funeral home in the city of Santiago de Cuba wakes up this Tuesday with a critical situation, with over 29 deceased being mourned by their family and friends, which has forced the workers to place coffins in the hallways of the center, as reported on social media.

“They have placed boxes in the hallways, they don't know where to put them and the dead keep coming in,” a user reported to the journalist Yosmany Mayeta, who alerted on Facebook that the funeral home woke up this Tuesday with over 29 coffins in the center.

The person who filed the complaint, also a relative of one of the deceased in the funeral home, explained: "They say there is no capacity in Santa Ifigenia (cemetery) and they want to bury our relatives in the municipalities."

Although the publication does not provide any explanation for this sad situation, the city of Santiago de Cuba is currently being ravaged by the circulation of two serotypes of dengue and is also affected by the presence of the Oropouche virus.

The bizarre scene joins others that have also taken place in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

Last May, the central avenue Garzón witnessed an unheard-of and distressing scene: a coffin fell off a hearse and remained lying in the middle of a busy thoroughfare.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta

The unfortunate incident, reported by the communicator Mayeta on his Facebook profile, took place on Victoriano Garzón avenue, in front of a kindergarten and in a very crowded area of the eastern city, a few blocks from the provincial headquarters of the PCC and near the intersection that marks kilometer 969 of the Central Highway.

However, unbelievable as it may seem, it happened again. Just over a week ago, another coffin fell from the funeral car that was transporting it in Santiago de Cuba.

It happened on 4th Street, in the Mariana de la Torre neighborhood, as journalist Mayeta pointed out, who posted a video on his social media filmed by a witness of the macabre scene.

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