Poster in Miami sparks controversy by comparing Donald Trump to Fidel Castro

Poster in Miami comparing Donald Trump to Fidel Castro causes controversy during election campaign. Supporters of the Republican have expressed their outrage on social media.

Amid the electoral campaign for the United States presidential elections in 2024, a billboard in Miami has sparked great controversy on social media.

The ad, paid for by the Mad Dog PAC group, shows the image of former President Donald Trump next to that of the deceased Cuban leader Fidel Castro, with the message "No to dictators, no to Trump."

The comparison has shocked Trump's followers, who argue that it is inappropriate to equate the former Republican president with Fidel Castro.

They point out that, unlike Castro who came to power through armed means, Trump was democratically elected by the citizens of the United States.

The poster appears at a key moment, as the presidential elections are scheduled for November, with Trump once again facing off against Democratic President Joe Biden.

The electoral campaign is in full swing, and this type of advertising only serves to increase tension among supporters of both candidates.

The controversy highlights the deep political divisions in the United States, especially in places like Miami, which has a significant population of Cuban exiles and their descendants, who have strong opinions about the Cuban regime and its legacy.

This sign is a reminder of the fervor with which politics is experienced in South Florida, where advertising messages can ignite debates and provoke passionate reactions in a highly politicized community.

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