They ask for help to find missing Cuban man in Artemisa.

Artemisa family is looking for Rafael Pupo Torres, missing for a month. More details in this article.


The Cuban artist Saúl Manuel asked for help on social media to find a citizen with mental health issues who was reported missing in the province of Artemisa.

He pointed out that the request for help was made to him, through social networks, by the user Lydia Pupo, who is a resident of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños.

Facebook Saúl Manuel

The woman indicated that her brother, Rafael Pupo Torres, 50 years old, has been missing for several days and has not been taking his medications.

Please, my phone number is 59692998. If someone sees it, please take it to the Police so they can come to pick him up because other times when we arrive at the place we are told, he has already left. He is mentally ill. It has been more than nine months since he has the vaccines that control him.

The missing patient usually feels like going for a walk and forgets to return home. "It's been a month since he left. The clothes he was wearing are the same as in the photograph. He is in Havana, someone told us he was in Playa Municipality," said the sister.

This desperate plea reflects the growing concern over cases of missing persons in Cuba, especially those suffering from mental illnesses and who depend on medications for their stability.

This case adds to others reported in Cuba, where people with mental health problems have disappeared, generating concern and mobilization of communities for their search.

A few days ago, the case of José Ricardo Mendoza was known, who fortunately was found safe and sound after being lost in the mountains for four days, in the province of Holguín.

Citizen collaboration is vital in these cases, and social media has become a fundamental tool for the search and location of missing persons in Cuba, mainly due to the inaction of the police in most of these terrible events.

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