A young person shows what clothing can be bought in Cuba with 1,000 pesos: "This experiment turned out to be expensive."

When I was young, 1000 pesos was an indecent amount of money. Let's see what I can get after watching ten seasons of 'Palmas y Cañas'.

In a recent video, the TikTok user @aprendedorajeje, a "Cuban YouTuber in training" as described in her profile on the platform, set out to discover what clothes she could buy in Cuba with 1,000 Cuban pesos. The result, according to the young woman, was "an expensive but revealing experiment."

"When I was little, 1000 pesos was an indecent amount of money. Let's see what I can get after watching ten seasons of Palmas y Cañas," said the girl at the beginning of the video, heading straight to thrift shops because her budget didn't stretch far enough at other stores.

@aprendedorajeje detailed that he found clothes in these stores ranging from 100 to 250 pesos, although some were noticeably damaged.

With 1,000 pesos he bought two shirts for the gym, each costing 350 pesos. "I bought two very cheap gym shirts that cost me 350 pesos each. This one has some spots, but those can be removed with bleach, my love, because it's white. And this other one, as you can see, is a bit irregularly cut, but I like that. They are very fresh for the gym and they work well for me," he explained.

"Is that Holguín?" asked a user in the comments, to which she replied yes.

"Very little can be bought now, beautiful but a good choice on your part"; "Here in the United States, they give away very nice clothes at the churches and a lot of food," reads among the reactions to the video showing the high prices on the island and how difficult it is to meet the most basic needs in a context of crisis and rampant and unstoppable inflation.

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