Honduran man married to a Cuban: "I had never eaten black beans in my life"

In the comments, many shared their experiences in intercultural romantic relationships.

On TikTok, a Honduran man married to a Cuban woman shared a video titled "Honduras and Cuba", where he explained how he has incorporated Cuban food into his diet and different ways to prepare some dishes.

"I am married to a Cuban woman and my life began to sound like this," he begins by saying in the video. "I had never eaten black beans in my life; in my country, we only have red beans. I had never tasted black beans before, but these beans are so delicious, delicious, 100% Cuban beans," he added in his testimony about his experience with Cuban flavors and dishes, in which he also mentioned pork cracklings and rice.

The video has sparked a wide reaction on the platform: "Long live our Honduran culture with a Cuban touch, the best combination, proud to be married to a Cuban, the best of the best, blessings to the Cuban-Honduran family"; "Treat her well, buddy, she is a Cuban, they come from a place where women are eager to succeed, take care of her, don't mistreat her, they are the best women in the world"; "My husband is Honduran, we have been together for 12 years. He is more Cuban than I am now," reads among the hundreds of comments, where jokes were also not lacking, and others have shared their experiences in intercultural relationships.

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