A Moskvitch driver hits mother and daughter in Camagüey and flees the scene.

The daughter and granddaughter of the affected women found out on their own that the responsible driver is named José García McKenn and is known as Dubly.

Zona donde ocurrió el accidente © Claudia Rodríguez vía Facebook / La Hora de Cuba
Area where the accident occurredPhoto © Claudia Rodríguez via Facebook / La Hora de Cuba

The driver of a Moskvitch hit a mother and her daughter in the city of Camagüey and then fled the scene without offering any help, after causing injuries to both of them.

The incident occurred last Sunday, June 16 in the evening, near Méndez Square.

Facebook screenshot / Cuban Time

Claudia Rodríguez, daughter and granddaughter of the affected women, explained to the portal La Hora de Cuba that her mother was left with several injuries on her body and shared some images (not all).

Photo: Facebook / Cuba's Hour

The young woman filed a report at the Third Police Unit, but so far the authorities have not made any arrests.

Photo: Facebook / Cuban Hour

According to Claudia, she carried out an investigation on her own and managed to identify that the car involved is the Moskvich 2140, with license plate P-202893, and its owner's name is José García Mckenn, also known as Dubly.

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